Monday, February 16, 2009

AOL Mail - Message View

The CFTD (Committee for a Fair Throw Down) have met and determined some rules of competition.
Prize monies will be accumulated from a $5.00 contribution from each competitor at every weigh-in.
All Competitors will weigh in every two weeks on Friday.
The prizes begin being paid out at the second weigh-in and every weigh-in after that.
There will be two winners at each two-week weigh-in.
One third of the weekly pot will be paid to the competitor with the greatest poundage loss.
One third of the weekly pot will be paid to the competitor with the greatest percentage of body weight lost.
One third of all monies will go into the final payout kitty. The CFTD is still determining how that prize will be awarded.
Final weigh-in will take place on June 5th (updated from the 1st). You got a problem with that?
The CFTD has drafted Cathy Eggleston to perform the duties of the Treasurer of the THROW DOWN.
The Treasurer is responsible for all income and expenses.
The Treasurer has final say on all items of dispute.
The Treasurer is the only member of the committee empowered to call a committee meeting.
The Treasurer will let us know when she... er... the committee decides on the final payout.
You got a problem with that?
A couple new contestants have appealed to the committee and have been allowed entry:
1) David Eggleston- While everyone knows that Dave is a disciplined competitor his lack of bulk puts him at a distinct disadvantage.
2) Steve of Attica- Steve comes in with an extremely cocky attitude and the bulk to back it up. Watch out for this one. However the timing may be bad for Steve as he lobbied (some say whined at) the committee hard for a shortened overall period. He may have pissed them off which could make a differrence if a close ruling must be made.
Competitors are playing the game VERY tight vested. The only news to escape thus far is that Molly has hit the ground running and Big Al is still gettin his mind right.
Good Luck!

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