Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Taekwondo: try it, you'll like it!

I'm telling you guys to give Taekwondo a try! It is fun, challenging and rewarding.
Our testing is on the 28th of Feb at noon at North Village Mall in Roseland just north of South Bend on Michigan Street. With a bit of practicing and a little luck I will go from purple belt to blue belt! Feel free to stop in and watch and wish me luck! I have practiced hard and I am almost ready. You are all welcomed to try out a class and see if you like it (for FREE, just tell them Molly sent you, or come with me)!
The little "Bean" has been doing a great job. He has been practicing at home more and focusing better in class. He just got a trophy in Fort Wayne for sharp knife hands! He knows several phone numbers in case there's an emergency as well as his address. He has really come a long way since he started a year and a half ago.
I have really gotten a boost of self confidence and self worth. I can defend myself now and I have become a lot more responsible too (you may have noticed). I look better, I quit smoking and lost weight plus, I'm more flexible and I feel great! We have classes everyday, some days twice, but you only have to go to 2 a week. I have been going to all the classes I can to get this form down as best as I can before testing and to keep moving to lose more weight! I hope to lose at least 60 more pounds whether it is before our June 5th final weigh in or after, it has to go!

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