Monday, June 8, 2009

Does My Son Need Speech Therapy?

"When your child is in the midst of a great jump in his language skills (between ages 30 months and 5 years) it's natural that putting sentences together in a fluent way might be difficult. Her brain is like a computer, working to pull up the right words in the right order and at the right time. While the computer is "searching," her mouth may go into a "pause" (translated: repeat) mode. So it may sound like this: "Mom … I-Mom … I-I-want-uh-I want you-gimme dat teddy bear!" The whole word or first syllable is often repeated, not usually the first sound. This is a normal developmental phase that most children go through. You may notice it more when your child is tired, excited, or upset.

Below, please find blog posts I found from other speech/language pathologists that help to differentiate between normal developmental dysfluency and the speech pattern of a child who may develop into a school age child who stutters."
I read this on a speech therapy website and I felt so relieved. I was beginning to wonder if my son needed more and what can I do to help his advancement. I know he gets in a hurry, he just loses focus and repeats the first word, sometimes two exactly like the sentence above. He does also have issues with the "th," "r," "j," "g," "l," and sometimes "s" turns into the "sh" sound. I work with him often on these sounds and we have made some progress, but he still forgets to focus and reverts back. Today he did say "THIS" perfectly!
This website is amazing. If you have questions about your child's speech, or speech mannerisms, this is definitely the site to check out. They have therapist covering everything from articulation to stuttering. They have sections about sign language and anxiety and autism and apraxia.
I am not done checking out the site. I have found ways to help him focus and encourage and motivate him. There are programs on this site for children, teachers and parents. I am going back to check it out a bit more.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Molly, I noticed you've startes following my blog. I'm honored. We first met by trading post cards. Welcome to my blog.
    I wanted to tell you that my son went to speech therapy for a year. It helped. Although he's 8 now, he still has trouble with his "R's". He can say them, he just won't pay attention and concentrate until I make him. He start ST when he was 5 and the therapist said he had a 15-18 yr olds vocabulary and just thought faster than he could speak. My son took Karate for about a year. Until his instructor cancelled the younger class.
